Who We Are
Read about the Denver Flagsip
We are New ApostolicSharing a worldwide faith

The New Apostolic Church strives to make individuals feel at home by creating a warm and welcoming place for all to worship. Wherever you visit, you’ll sense a strong tradition of Christian fellowship where brothers and sisters love and serve one another.
- Our doctrine is Bible-based with living Apostles continuing the great commission given by the Lord.
- Our fellowship in the Church of Christ consists of baptism of water and Spirit, recognizing and repenting from sin, and experiencing Holy Communion with Jesus Christ.
- Our goal is to become the worthy bride taken up when Jesus returns.
The New Apostolic Church is an international Christian church. Over ten million Christians around the world currently profess the New Apostolic faith.
Today the New Apostolic Church continues to welcome people from all walks of life who are looking for a vibrant, purposeful life in Christ.
Learn more about the NAC
Both the international and USA websites go into more depth
Our Vision and Mission StatementsCore Beliefs
Our Vision is to create a church in which people feel at home and, inspired by the Holy Spirit and their love for God, align their lives to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and thus prepare themselves for His return and eternal life.
Our Mission is reaching out to all people in order to teach them the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to baptize them with water and the Holy Spirit. Providing soul care and cultivating a warm fellowship in which everyone shall experience the love of God and the joy of serving Him and others.
Doctrine of the NAC
Our doctrine is fully explained in our Catechism
The Denver Flagship AreaNew Apostolic Christians in the Rocky Mountains
The Denver Flagship Area is a collection of New Apostolic congregations in the Rocky Mountains region (Colorado, Utah, and panhandle of Nebraska).
The Denver Flagship Area is lead by a Shared Leadership Team. Its purpose, aligned with our NAC Mission and Vision, emphasizes support and accountability for each congregation in striving to become healthy in the Stepping Forward initiatives, along with clear and transparent communication across the working areas. This team currently has 4 leaders, each being assigned one practical area of congregational life.
The first area is Divine Service Experience. This encompasses altar serving, musical groups, technology teams that assist with service aspects, greeting and ushering, altar decorations, and anything else related to our divine services.
A second area is Culture. This pertains to how we live and lead like Christ in our congregations. Practical aspects include Small Groups, Work of Ministry, fellowships, community outreach, assistance programs, and generally championing the change in our culture of members becoming more missional and engaged.
Pastoral Care is another area in the Shared Leadership model. This area comprises the Children’s ministries, youth, seniors, premarital and newlywed support, grief support, conflict resolution, ill and infirmed visiting, and pastoral care visiting.
The final area is Structure. The focus here is on administrative tasks for congregational operation including scheduling, communications, attendance and offering processes, and special event coordination and planning.

Divine Service Experience

Ortrun Neidig

Pastoral Care
Peter Van Es

Ryan Carlino
Find our locations
Click for info about our five Denver Flagship locations
What to ExpectWhen visiting us

Our divine services are designed to inspire a worshipful experience. This experience is the result of a deeply spiritual and relevant message inspired by the Holy Spirit. Music is also integrated to enrich the value and impact of the message and to enhance the overall divine service experience.
Our services begin with worship and prayer, and are based on biblical passages that provide understanding and guidance for our life in Christ, as provided by our Apostles and ordained ministers commissioned by them.
We have a distinct liturgy that serves as a framework for the moving of the Holy Spirit in our sermons and leads us to the high point of each service: Holy Communion.
View a service online
Get a flavor for our services by viewing a recent event