Denver Metro

Are you ready to grow with us?

We invite you to get to know us as we make our roots at our new Arvada location.

Come, be a part of our family!

Grand Opening Weekend: May 21-22

Saturday, May 21: Open House - 10am - 2pm

  • BBQ, games, live music
  • Meet the church leaders
  • Learn about our programs

Sunday, May 22: Grand Opening Divine Service

  • 10:15am Worship
  • 10:30am Divine Service
  • Stay for lunch afterwards

Our Location

5290 Vance Street
Arvada, CO 80002
Get Directions


Brief History

In November of 2014 the National Organization of the New Apostolic Church purchased a building located at 5290 Vance St in Arvada, CO. We are currently adapting the building to fit the needs of the Denver Metro congregation. Our new church building will house the 3 former congregations of the Metro Denver front range that are already combined and attending services together.

Our new church building will contain a large sanctuary, gathering area, and classrooms that allow the congregation to fulfill its mission to serve souls in the Denver Metro area, providing soul care and a welcoming fellowship environment.

The Denver Metro congregation is very exited to be joining the community in Arvada!

Getting Organized

The roles in the congregation are shown in our org chart.

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Timeline for completing the building


Past Milestones

Early 2014: Real estate committee formed

Criteria for property selection established

Properties identified (hundreds)

Fall 2014: Offer made on best property

November 2014: Closed on Vance Street property

April 2015: Roof improvements completed
Local architect selected to work with national church architect

May-June 2015: National Building Office prepared a plan package that can be handed out to contractors interested in bidding the job.
NAC-USA building team was in Denver to hold open house and Q&A for contractors

August 2015: Bids from four contractors received

October 2015: Contractor selected for interior improvements

December 2015: Demolition complete, finished permit process with city

Updated March 16, 2016

Interior Improvements

The insde of the building is receiving a full makeover, converting an empty warehouse into our new home.

See photos

Jan - April 2016

Dedication service

Once construction is complete, the new building will be dedicated in a divine service with District Apostle Kolb

April 17, 2016

Grand Opening

Join us for a weekend of festivities as we open our doors to the Arvada community!

May 21-22, 2016