Divine Services
Worshipping the Lord, hearing His word, celebrating Holy Communion: essentials in our faith
The Denver District is a collection of New Apostolic congregations in the central Rocky Mountains region (Colorado, Utah, and panhandle of Nebraska).
A person who thrives is someone who develops and grows. In the New Apostolic Church, we want to grow and develop according to the image of Jesus Christ. "Thrive" isn't just a word; it is an entire way of life. To be a thriving Christian means that you have a strong faith and connection to God, healthy relationships with those around you, and a passion to serve.
You are called to be a part of the Body of Christ. As a member of the Body, you are united with a group of fellow believers that are here to build each other up, spread the Gospel, and prepare for Jesus Christ's return.
You are called to THRIVE. Jesus said, "I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundently" (John 10:10). This is the life God wants for us - a thriving life for Him.
(From our Thrive booklet)
Worshipping the Lord, hearing His word, celebrating Holy Communion: essentials in our faith
Sharing life together while deepening our understanding
There are numerous ministry opportunities to serve God by serving others
The NAC Food Pantry is located in our Denver Metro Congregation in Arvada.
Our mission is to provide food to supplement the basic needs of our community.
For more info, check out the Food Pantry page.